Hello From Our Team!

The leaders at The Center are heeding a call to sustain the land and the people who come through. We work collectively and ground ourselves in group practices of reflection, care, and celebration, so that we can be exquisitely attentive to each other and the emerging needs of the people who come to Orchard Hill. We are a fluid group, and our composition expands and contracts as individual leaders are called to work with the Center. Our day-to-day work involves the administration, program planning, and maintaining of The Center.

  • Eleanor, Co-Director & Founder

    Eleanor leads and directs all Day Camps at Orchard Hill and mentors child and youth programs. Eleanor embodies the heart and soul of The Center at Orchard Hill, a long-time advocate for inclusion for all children and families. She continues to find immense joy in empowering all ages and stages as they are given space to explore culture, self, and their own gifts to the world. Eleanor is an active presence in our community festivals throughout the year.

  • Andrea, Co-Director & Office Manager

    In this small organization, each of us wears many hats and Andrea can be found at the computer, as well as in the garden, or cleaning and tending the building. She leads Make Something Day and is active in community festivals and events around the year. Andrea has been gratefully involved at Orchard Hill since 2008 when her children began attending preschool and kindergarten at The Orchard School and she is delighted to be giving her energy building community at The Center at Orchard Hill.

  • Sammy, Resident Artist & Teacher

    As our long term artist-in-residence, Sammy brings his visionary and poetic leadership to our work. As an artist, musician and teacher he believes in the power of shared transformation through play and creativity. A passionate educator of teen-aged humans, he co-leads our teen programs.